Friday, March 4, 2011

In the midst...

There was a point recently where I was feeling really overwhelmed with everything. I felt as though there was too much going on and applications to university were making me really analyse my work to a point where I believed that it was really no good and not worth looking at.
Since then I have struggled to design anything at all really - I can draw and drwa and draw and my head is full of ideas of outfits that I would like to create and yet I am constantly struggling with themes and focussing my ideas and narrowing everything down. I know that design is all about working within certain parameters and it was worrying me that I don't like to work like that. I like ideas to develop and become something else once they become fabric creations. I have found that I have been working better on the mannequin and trying to drape fabrics has been really rewarding. I am pleased with the results so now I have about one month to get my arse in gear and make something beautiful. That is my aim and my new focus.... and the theme has kind of developed into seaside, parasols and colourful beach huts in front of a backdrop of stormy purple clouds. Pretty much inspired by some photographs that I took on New Years day when I went for a walk along the promenade in Blythe. It was a beautiful day so something beautiful should come out of it.

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